Imprint: Information about Bear-Science
is represented by
VESTUR UG (limited liability)
Römerstrasse 75
D-71229 Leonberg
Commercial Register: HRB 781719 (Local Court Stuttgart)
Sales tax ID: DE347477196
Responsible for the content according to § 55 Abs. 2 RStV: Valentin Mattis
Management: Valentin Mattis
Phone:+49 (0)7152 906 599 28
Gender note
We attach great importance to diversity and equal treatment. However, in order to make the information easier to read, we have often used either the masculine or feminine form. This does not imply any discrimination against the other gender. So when we speak of staff, participants and trainers, for example, we naturally also mean female staff, participants and trainers.
We thank you for your understanding.